Texas Homeschool Convention 2014
Part 2
On of my favorite sessions at the homeschool conference this past weekend was led by Rachael Carmen. It was titled, "How to have a heart for your children." It was a very powerful and convicting time for me. I tend to just exist day to day and not appreciate the blessings the Lord has given me. Yes, I love my girls very much and I don't know what I would do without them. But, I want to have a heart for them. Rachael used an acronym for HEART and it was very thought provoking.
H ave a heart for God. Psalm 86:11 Be on your knees before
the Lord, stay in the word, worship the Lord, teach your
children to praise the Lord
E nrich your marriage. Ephesians 5:22-28 Live a defense of
marriage, chase each other around the house, Leave love
notes, go on dates, let your children see that you are in
love with your spouse.
A ccept them. Psalm 139:13 Discipline them, Embrace who
they are.
R elease them to God. John 3:30
Start dreaming, start celebrating, start praying
T each them the truth. Deuteronomy 32: 46-47
Teach them the nature of God. Give them good, Christian
Rachael shared how she had to fall on her knees before the Lord and ask Him to guide her as she was not happy about being lead to homeschool her children. She also shared how she had to trust and depend upon the Lord to guide her through each day.
She ended the session asking the audience to join her on her knees praying over our children and our families. My desire is to live in that state of mind and heart all year.
Let us not grow weary in well doing. We will reap a harvest at the proper time if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9