Monday, October 20, 2014

Update on the Henson's....

I am 10 weeks post op. My foot is healing well. I am able to walk in my tennis shoe some. I drove for the first time in 2 1/2 months yesterday. It felt great. It felt freeing.
James is still the same. He is learning to tolerate the pain a little better. He has had an epidural injection in his neck. It didn't help any. Plans are to have another injection in his neck and have a nerve stimulator place in his back sometime in December.
Jaelyn is doing well. She is enjoying youth group in our church. I am a little reserved about is still. She hasn't been exposed to a lot of things kids her age are exposed to. My desire is for her mind to stay pure and innocent at this young age.
Madison made a BIG decision on her own yesterday. She come to the realization that she wasn't truly saved and was in need of Christ. She accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior. She made my mommy heart swell.
We are trudging along in school. Each day has it's problems due to our circumstances, but each day is a blessing from the Lord. I am priviledged to be able to school my girls at home.