Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Prairie Primer and the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum

The past two years, we have used the Prairie Primer as a guide for Bible, History, Science, and Homemaking. Yes, it has taken us two years to complete (or almost complete) it. I read the Little House Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder as read alouds to the girls. Each chapter has comprehension questions to answer and each day has a list of activities to choose from. We always liked to read the Bible verses and talk about character traits and how issues were or were not properly handled in the books. We did some mapping and some History studies of the time period in which the Ingalls family lived. We also did Science projects based on what things were happening, but we didn't have a pigs bladder to blow up as a  We studied about the eye and scarlet fever when Mary Ingalls went blind due to scarlet fever.  The girls and I grew to love the Ingalls familly as we read about the hardships they endured and saw how determined they were to make it through those difficult times. We loved reading about the courtship and marriage of Laura Ingalls and Almanzo Wilder. We loved reading about how Pa playing his fiddle seemed to make everything alright and of how Laura worked so hard to see that Mary went to college.
Last fall, our family was blessed to be able to go on an amazing vacation. We spent three days at Fort Rock Family Camp, picked apples in the Ozarks, visited Bakers Creek Heirloom Seed Company, and visit the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum and Homes in Mansfield Missouri. We toured the homes of Laura and Almanzo. We saw the desk in which she wrote the books that we love so much. We walked across the area in which they planted their apple orchard as their livelihood. We saw many items that they used in their everyday lives. It was the perfect vacation for our family during that time period. One day, we hope to walk on the banks of Plum Creek. For now, we will continue to enjoy the books that we love so much.
Jaelyn and Madison were just a little excited to visit
the home of Laura Ingalls Wilder.

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