Tuesday, June 17, 2014

 And, the canning begins.......

Yesterday officially began canning season around the Henson place.
I canned 10 quarts of Blue Lake bush beans from our garden. I love preserving
these delicious green beans for my family to have throughout the winter. Canning 
itself is not hard to do, but the process is of it all is long and tiring. In my opinion,
it is worth every tiring minute. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014


Happy Father's Day

God had a plan and a purpose almost 18 years ago, when he placed this man in my life. He is not perfect, but he is perfect for me. He is an honest, hard working, kind hearted man. He has loved me unconditionally and shown me what true love is. It is so hard to watch him suffer in pain and not be able to take care of our family. I know it is so difficult for him, but we know God will see us through.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Prairie Primer and the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum

The past two years, we have used the Prairie Primer as a guide for Bible, History, Science, and Homemaking. Yes, it has taken us two years to complete (or almost complete) it. I read the Little House Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder as read alouds to the girls. Each chapter has comprehension questions to answer and each day has a list of activities to choose from. We always liked to read the Bible verses and talk about character traits and how issues were or were not properly handled in the books. We did some mapping and some History studies of the time period in which the Ingalls family lived. We also did Science projects based on what things were happening, but we didn't have a pigs bladder to blow up as a balloon...lol.  We studied about the eye and scarlet fever when Mary Ingalls went blind due to scarlet fever.  The girls and I grew to love the Ingalls familly as we read about the hardships they endured and saw how determined they were to make it through those difficult times. We loved reading about the courtship and marriage of Laura Ingalls and Almanzo Wilder. We loved reading about how Pa playing his fiddle seemed to make everything alright and of how Laura worked so hard to see that Mary went to college.
Last fall, our family was blessed to be able to go on an amazing vacation. We spent three days at Fort Rock Family Camp, picked apples in the Ozarks, visited Bakers Creek Heirloom Seed Company, and visit the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum and Homes in Mansfield Missouri. We toured the homes of Laura and Almanzo. We saw the desk in which she wrote the books that we love so much. We walked across the area in which they planted their apple orchard as their livelihood. We saw many items that they used in their everyday lives. It was the perfect vacation for our family during that time period. One day, we hope to walk on the banks of Plum Creek. For now, we will continue to enjoy the books that we love so much.
Jaelyn and Madison were just a little excited to visit
the home of Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


My girls are enjoying their second week of Vacation Bible School and we ours isn't until next week. Lol....they are going to exhaust me. This is Jaelyn's last year to go toVBS as a student. Kinda sad for this mama.
I am thankful to live in a small town where many of the kiddos go from one VBS to the next. Since we homeschool, my girls don't know everyone, but they know a lot of them. Last week, they actually made friends with some girls that are their ages that homeschool as well.  We plan to meet up with this family for some activities and get togethers.
 Also, I am thankful that my girls want to spend time learning more about God and his word. Yes, they thoroughly enjoy the crafts, music, and recreation, but they constantly tell me something new that they learned during Bible study.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Green Beans

I picked our first picking of green beans this morning. It is enough for a meal or  maybe two for our family. Green beans are our main crop each year, as we (minus the picky 12 year old who is forced to eat them) love green beans...homegrown green beans that is. The girls always question where they came from. We bought some from Azure standand that were pretty good, but they prefer ours. They love to help snap them as well.  A couple years ago, I canned 85 qts. My ultimate goal is to can enough for us two have them a couple times a week. Not going to happen this year, as everything is on a much smaller scale.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Depending on God....

The past couple of months have been a bit challenging with my husband down with a back injury and not working. We have learned to totally depend on God. Is it always easy? NO!!!!! I can tell you from experience that it isn't. BUT, I can tell you that our faith and trust in our Lord has grown tremendously. Also, we have learned that our faith can only be found in Jesus....not doctors, our government, or even other people. Our faith MUST be found in Christ alone.

Yesterday, I was doing some outside chores late in the evening and began thinking about how much I depended upon my husband with help around the house, gardening, yard work, etc. Then, the Lord gently reminded me that I need to depend on him alone and he will provide the help I need. I can't tell you how many people have offered and have come to help.

As we continue to depend upon him, he has provided all our needs financial needs. God has used his servants to meet our needs. It is almost continous. I am overwhelmed by the love and support we have been given. So thankful that we can depend .

Continuing to depend upon him.......